See it in action

The SBS Financing Platform is a comprehensive, end-to-end asset finance solution designed to streamline asset finance workflows, enhancing customer experience, and driving profitability.

Whatever your company’s place in the asset finance ecosystem, see for yourself how it can meet the needs of your business with unparalleled flexibility, scalability, efficiency and scope for integration.

Embrace the revolution in asset financing with the SBS Financing Platform

The dynamic, component-based solution optimizes global operations, providing a streamlined pathway for asset financiers to achieve unparalleled efficiency and success.

  • Efficiency Redefined:
    Dynamic, component-based platform optimizing asset financing processes
  • Ecosystem Advantage:
    Competitive edge through seamless integration with a global partner network
  • Real-time Decisions:
    SFP Portfolio Management for smooth digital onboarding and enhanced risk management
  • Comprehensive Solutions:
    SFP Wholesale Servicing facilitates seamless floorplan financing for diverse assets
  • Digital Audit Excellence:
    SFP Digital Audit enhances operational efficiency with a comprehensive credit decisioning software
Screenshot of lending software with program notifications